
2HAL Master Living – Front Seating


The ultimate in dream float the 2HAL Living with front seating offers up a bit more space for lounging and socialising. The curved front seat is beautifully upholstered and fit seamlessly under the front window.
Classic clean lines, soft touch draws and cabinetry shows off the fine finish with style.
Plenty of storage options, cupboards, draws and hanging space.

The table easily dropped down to make a bottom bunk offering sleeping in the front for two.
Option on another two bunks on the moving dividing wall and you have a party pad.

Really having to be seen to be believed, the 2HAL Living (front curve) is a popular model for the most discerning equestrian.

The Best Bits: The curved lounge, a divine space to relax in between events or at the end of the day.
Too many others to mention. A must to experience yourself.



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